‘If I were a rich man ...’

Fiddler on the Roof

Jerry Bock
In the shtetl of Anatevka, somewhere in eastern Europe, life is strictly defined by Jewish tradition. Tevye the milkman struggles with this. And with his God. And with his three oldest daughters and their stubborn ideas about love. Until one day, when the entire community is forced to flee the pogroms ...
A long time ago, or perhaps not so very long ago ... there was this Jewish shtetl called Anatevka, in Russia’s vast expanses, where the milkman Tevye lived with his wife Golde and their five daughters. The three oldest, Zeitel, Hodel and Chava, were expected to marry in accordance with the venerable dictates of Jewish tradition, and to find husbands as wealthy as possible thanks to the ministrations of the matchmaker Yente.
Musical based on the tales of Sholem Aleichem [1964]
With the express permission of Arnold Perl
Book by Joseph Stein
Music by Jerry Bock
Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
German text by Rolf Merz and Gerhard Hagen
Produced for the stage in New York by Harold Prince
Original stage production and choreography in New York by Jerome Robbins
In the repertoire since 3 December 2017
Recommended from grade 7
3 hr 15 min incl. intermission
Musikalische Leitung
Tevje, Milchmann
Max Hopp/Markus John
Golde, seine Frau
Zeitel, seine älteste Tochter
Su­san Zar­ra­bi/Paula Rummel
Chava, dritte Tochter
Elisa­beth Wrede/Katharina Thomas
Sprintze, vierte Tochter
Laeticia Krüger/Lia Tursic
Bielke, fünfte Tochter
Luisa Souza de Prét/Ida Dasch
Jente, Heiratsvermittlerin
Mottel Kamzoil, Schneider
Perchik, Hodels Verehrer
Peter Renz
Mendel, Sohn des Rabbi
Nachum, Bettler
Tim Diet­rich/Eberhard Krispin
Fruma Sarah, Lazar Wolfs erste Frau / Oma Zeitel, Goldes Großmutter
Fedja, ein junger Russe
Schandel, Mottels Mutter
Saskia Krispin/Cornelia Berner
Der Fiedler auf dem Dach
Ra­fa­ela Groß­kopf/Laura Kindt
Liam Michael Scullion, Ben­ja­min Ge­rick­e/Jo­seph Edy, Iv­an Du­bin­in, Andrii Zubchevskyi, Da­niel­ Da­nie­la Oje­da­ Yru­reta, Mi­cha­el Fer­nan­dez, Marcell Prét, Lorenzo Soragni, Kai Chun Chuang, Danilo Brunetti, Da­vi­de De­ Bi­asi, Sha­ne Dick­son
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