Soloist - Soprano
Mirka Wagner
Zitat einfügen oder Element löschen... about my first visit to the opera. I sat with my eyes wide open, staring at the stage as if I were hypnotised.
Asked about her favourite film, Mirka Wagner doesn’t have to think long: La vita è bella, by and starring Roberto Benigni! »I’m just fascinated by the honesty and joy exuded by the film and its protagonists, even when there is really nothing left to laugh about.« Happiness and a fundamentally positive view of things are also central characteristics of Mirka Wagner. »My parents tell everyone about my first visit to the opera. I sat with my eyes wide open, staring at the stage as if I were hypnotised. The costumes, the light, that incredible music. In that moment I knew I was going to be an opera singer.«
When the children’s choir of the Hamburgische Staatsoper was looking for new singers, it was obvious that Mirka Wagner had to join. At 9 years of age, she was accepted into the children’s choir, and she left a full 10 years later, at 19, to move to Berlin to study. »Though I had been involved in countless operas in the children’s choir, I have to admit that I had very rarely experienced an opera as a member of the audience. And when I then did find myself sitting in the audience again, I thought to myself: Something is wrong here. I’m looking in the wrong direction«, she laughs.
A love of music influences every sphere of Mirka Wagner’s life – both private and professional. And the genre doesn’t really make a difference. Regardless of whether it’s classical or jazz, rock or pop, the main thing is that the music touches your heart. Her creative work in music is just as diverse: she helped to finance her studies recording advertising jingles and songs for Sesame Street. »Pay with Mastercard for your chance to win: go shopping in Milan and visit the Scala!« she sings with a laugh to the melody of »La donna è mobile«.
Making her start in Berlin wasn’t necessarily easy. »People often say that artists are a bit of a mess. My fridge was mostly empty except for mustard and some dehydrated vegetables. And when I did do the shopping, I had no idea what to do with the groceries. I had to learn how to cook.« Nowadays though, it’s become a bit of a hobby. Mirka is a passionate chef, especially for her friends, cooking Turkish or Italian fare, following recipes or freestyle. As long as it tastes good!
In the Ensemble of the Komischen Oper
Berlin since 2012.
Hochschule für Musik »Hanns Eisler« Berlin (bei Prof. Norma Sharp und Snezana Brzakovic), Opernstudio Komische Oper Berlin
Berlin since 2012.
Hochschule für Musik »Hanns Eisler« Berlin (bei Prof. Norma Sharp und Snezana Brzakovic), Opernstudio Komische Oper Berlin
2. Preis beim Bundeswettbewerb Gesang in der Sparte Oper/Operette
Thomas Quasthoff, Julia Varady, Wolfram Rieger
Despina (Così fan tutte), Titelpartie in Der goldene Hahn von Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow, Berta (Der Barbier von Sevilla), Musette (La Bohème), Julia de Veert (Der Vetter aus Dingsda), Marietta (Die Bajadere), Parasja (Der Jahrmarkt von Sorotschinzi), Jungfer Marianne Leitmetzerin (Der Rosenkavalier), Noémie (Cendrillon), Das Fräulein (Heute Nacht oder nie), Wendy Darling (Peter Pan), Briefträgerin Kathi (Im Weißen Rössl), Frasquita (Carmen), Gretel (Hänsel und Gretel), Eurydike (Orpheus), Noémie (Cendrillon - Aschenputtel), Erste Dame (Die Zauberflöte), Prinzessin Ninetta (Die Liebe zu drei Orangen), Die gute Hexe des Nordens/Die gute Hexe des Südens/Die Königin der Feldmäuse/Glinda (Der Zauberer von Oz), Eine Schäferin / Die Fledermaus / Der Stuhl / Die Eule (Petruschka/L'Enfant et les Sortilèges); Parasja, Tochter des Tscherewik (Der Jahrmarkt von Sorotschinzi), Jungfer Marianne Leitmetzerin (Der Rosenkavalier), Pamina (Die Zaubermelodika), Saffi (Der »Zigeuner«baron)
Theater Regensburg: Lisa (Das Land des Lächelns), Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz: Prinzessin Ninetta (Die Liebe zu den drei Orangen), Staatsoperette Dresden: Annina (Eine Nacht in Venedig), Musikalische Komödie Leipzig: Lisa (Das Land des Lächelns)
Bregenzer Festspiele: Zwerg in der Uraufführung von Detlev Glanerts Solaris, Théâtre Nantes/Angers: Papagena (Die Zauberflöte), Edinburgh Festival und Shanghai Grand Theater: 1. Dame (Die Zauberflöte)